Thursday, January 19, 2012

Washington Snowpocalypse...

Well the Snowpocalypse has arrived! Crazy to think a few days ago we were dry and going about out PNW lives but then Bam welcome snow! We got maybe about 8 inch in Puyallup. However at my house, the power is out (could be for days) and trees are laying all over. Our families up near the moutain have recieved about 23 inches and other family about 12 inches and flooding rain. I'm just glad all our family and friends are safe!

 Even though it's horrible to drive in, we miss some work and the occasional threat of no power occurs, during weather like this it's also a great time to spend quality time with your children with snowball fights and snowmen. Wonderful time to bundle up next to your loved ones and tell stories or watch movies and just enjoy the beauty of snow. I know I enjoyed each and every one of those activities this week. How about you...what'd you do to ease your cabin fever???

Friday, January 13, 2012

Goal for this month = complete

Ok I did it, I got my butt up a little extra early on a couple Orchestra mornings -- already getting up at 630am and captured a couple gorgeous shots. I think it was totally worth it! Let me know what you think!?!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The New Year is here....'s 2012! Can you believe it?? I still can't and it's already half way through January. The cold weather seems to be rolling into Washington -- it was a blistering 28 degrees (haha) earlier but the sunrise this morning was amazing. Wish I could have shown you all. I'm still working on getting up early! Haven't made it up, YET!

The Northwest has some amazing views when it's clear skies. As you can see  here in my picture (on the right) from a Rainier hike and also a hike in Bend Oregon (left) a few years back. These have been some of my favorite pictures for quite some time. The sky was so clear, sometimes I can't believe how easy these states are to capture pictures like this. It's so just gorgeous there.
Days like today make me miss hiking and hope that winter hurries up and spring/summer show up. Well enjoy those clear days, I know I will. And hopefully I get some new shots to share with you all. :)