Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Where has the time gone.....

Holy moly, it's been 6 months since I've updated my blog. I really got distracted on the social networking and only updating my facebook page (under SmokeyLens Photography). I haven't been too busy due to my pregnancy but still managing to get the camera out. Please check out the albums for some new pictures! Here's a few sneak peaks, completely randoms!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wildlife and Plant life

With inspiration of the weather changing and seeing all the color evaporate from the landscape for the next few months I wanted to add some color and life to the blog. Below is a collection of wildlife and plant life that I've collected throughout my travels. Pictures are ranging all the way from Australia, New Zealand and Rome to Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Hawaii and here in the states of Oregon and Washington. Can you guess where each one is from??

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wedding's over lets get back to work....

So my wedding is officially done and I have been catching up on work! Can't wait for you to see what I've been doing since. Here's the last few I've been up to...I have Miss Emily Aurora (newborn), Miss Jaida (3mo old), Miss Shayna (school), Mr Carter (school) and the Expecting Blankenships (maternity)! I had sooo much fun capturing all of them, they were all wonderful clients to work with. When I first thought about the possiblity of me doing this as a profession, I was sooo eager to do "artistic" maternity pictures. Having an outside studio on our own land and doing alot of nude photography. I just love the curves of a pregnant woman, to capture the life inside before meeting the newest family member. I got an oppurtunity to do that with the Blankenships and I loved it. Don't get me wrong I love all my babies but it was sooo cool to capture nature with maternity! Check out all my latest....

Check out the photo folders for more pics of all the clients! :)